• I'm a participant on another website as both an "common" poster as well as having an elevated adviser position. The senior admin on the site has drilled into all of the advisers and moderators this idea: "Oops is not a four letter word."

    There are a few things that are life and death for humans on a website. And most technical issues are not. This view has served us and the askers well over the years. He does expect you to take responsibility, and do your best to correct it, and avoid a repeat. At the same time you typically won't be shot for it.

    It sounds like the CEO has this attitude as well. Fix it as best and as fast as possible. Take the hit, and do your best to move on. This sounds like the Swiss cheese type set of errors. On bad programming issue didn't left a minor dent like a piece of Swiss cheese. But stack the Swiss cheese the right way and it leaves a hole that can cause damage to happen.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.