• rajeshn29.dba (12/12/2013)

    Hi Team,

    1.How to apply service pack active - active cluster node. 2005 & 2008

    I have 2 active – active nodes like (A,B) both having 2 instances

    On ‘A’ node instance 1 On node’ B’ instance 2 having now tell me how to apply service pack on active-active environment.

    2.After migration of 2005 to 2008 database migration compatibility level I need to change 90 to 100?? if I’m not change what was the impact.

    3.What are replication jobs will create in transactional replication.

    4.How to check no of scribers in SQL server instance. In my case I’m having n – number of subscribers. Can you please guide me best approach.

    First off I would take a little more time wording your question as its not particularly clear.


    How to apply service pack active - active cluster node. 2005 & 2008 I have 2 active – active nodes like (A,B) both having 2 instances On ‘A’ node instance 1 On node’ B’ instance 2 having now tell me how to apply service pack on active-active environment.


    Anyway, when patching a cluster, service pack the passive nodes for you instances first. So even though you have at least 1 active instance on each node, you will also have passive instances.

    Once all the passive instances have been service packed, failover the instances from there current active node to the passive node, this will upgrade the system databases and will mean that the failover will take a few minutes longer than usual. Once the former active nodes are now passive, apply the service pack to those instances on the passive node.


    After migration of 2005 to 2008 database migration compatibility level I need to change 90 to 100?? if I’m not change what was the impact.


    If you do not update the database compatibility level you will not be able to use any functionality on the SQL 2005 version databases that is new in SQL 2008.


    What are replication jobs will create in transactional replication.


    You will have snapshot, distribution and log reader agents created for your publications


    How to check no of scribers in SQL server instance. In my case I’m having n – number of subscribers. Can you please guide me best approach.


    You can query the distribution database to identify the publications, articles, subscribers etc which participate in your replication setup.

    An example query below:


    a.article AS Article,

    a.publisher_db AS Publisher,

    a.source_object AS PublishedObject,

    s.subscriber_db AS Subscriber,

    a.destination_object AS SubscriberObject

    FROM Distribution..msarticles a

    JOIN Distribution..mssubscriptions s ON a.publication_ID = s.publication_ID

    JOIN Distribution..mspublications p ON s.publication_ID = p.publication_ID

    where s.subscriber_db<>'virtual'

    GROUP BY a.article, a.publisher_db, s.subscriber_db, p.Publication, a.source_object, a.destination_object

    ORDER BY a.article

    MCITP SQL 2005, MCSA SQL 2012