• Trainee SQL (12/11/2013)

    No guys my Requirement is to make it null not to check whether it is null.

    From the front end i will pass the values but at times i may not send the values even though my Stored Procedure should accept the given parameters instead of arising the errors like expected input parameter @skills.

    my requirement is some thing as follows

    @skills SkillsTableType READONLY = null


    Here is an example for you. it might help you understand the working of user define table type

    CREATE TYPE [dbo].[udtSample] AS TABLE(

    [id] [int] NULL,

    [Name] [varchar](20) NULL




    Create Procedure uspSample

    @sample as [dbo].[udtSample] READONLY


    Select *

    from @sample;


    exec uspSample


    this code will run without any issue. i hope it will answer your question.