• Ok I figured it out. I took some thinking through it.

    If "Fail the transformation if it detects changes in fixed attributes" is selected as it is below, then the whole package will fail. If you deselect it, the package will run, but if the SCD transform detects changes to the fixed attribute, it will allow all the changes go through except where it detects changes in the Fixed attributes. SO WHAT THIS MEANS, it does not ERROR OUT or completely cancel the package the way it does when checked. But it STILL DOESN'T IGNORE or allow the other changes to take effect if that row has a changed fixed attribute.

    The problem is that book I have suggested using a Derived column to create a DateCreated column with a GetDate() function in the Expression column of the Derived Column transform to determine when the column was originally created. The author then suggested that this column should be set as fixed (even though it wasn't actually fixed since it will always enter the SCD with a current date.) The SCD will detect that the DateCreated column's value is different from the one in the database and so all those rows will fail to update because of that one change.

    SO it was not my fault! The book mislead me and costed me hours too. 🙂