• HanShi (11/25/2013)

    Open SSMS and navigate to the Management subtree.

    Right click "Database Mail" and select "Configure Database Mail".

    Click [next] on the (optional) welcome screen.

    Make sure the option "Set up database mail by performing the following tasks" is set and click [next]

    -- You should recieve the message/question "The Database Mail feature is not available. Would you like to enable this feature?"

    Click [yes] in respons to above question.

    After the Welcome Screen I get the "New Profile" form. Although I have already set one up I set up a new TEST entry, and added a Mail account to the profile.

    After that the "Configure System Parameters" page was displayed. This has the same values as if I use the "View / Change system parameters" on the initial menu page, I didn't adjust anything.

    Then finally the "Summary" page was disabled.

    There wasn't any prompt for "The Database Mail feature is not available. Would you like to enable this feature?"

    sysmail_help_status_sp still gives same error message