• Yes, AWS many features few are listed below.

    S3: Simple storage service with tools like cloud berry or S3.

    Easy to download and upload the data in cloud.

    Easy to move data from 1 bucket to other.

    EC2: Elastic cloud compute; All the Instances (Servers) are Virtual machines.

    Easy to take Amazon Machine Image (AMI'S),

    Easy to create number of servers with the single attempt.

    Can create the schedule to start and stop the servers

    Easy to stop and start the instances with AWS tool.

    EBS: Elastic Block storage

    Can create volumes either standard or IOPS volumes

    Can take snapshots of volumes

    Easy to attach and detach volumes from servers

    Easy to increase the size of the volumes with less down time or without downtime

    RDS: It provides different databases like SQL, MYSQL, Oracle etc.

    I’m nobody but still I’m somebody to someone………….