• jcb (11/19/2013)

    Question: a select count(1) from inserted ill return the number of inserted rows?

    just for the record: avoid triggers, they are evil.

    avoid to put business logic in the database, let the application to handle it in the appropriate layer.

    I agree about triggers but as the OP stated this is a 3rd party app.

    I am working with a commercial package so I have to be a little careful.

    To be honest if I were going to use a trigger for this type of thing...which I would most certainly not I would totally rewrite this things.

    This entire trigger looks to me to be a replacement for a foreign key. Basically the logic here is to not allow a value of LastPriceUOMKey that doesn't already exist in tciUnitMeasure. And don't get me started on NOLOCK...


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