• LutzM (11/17/2013)

    Since you already have the BorrowerOrder column I'm not sure why it would need to be so complicated...

    Wouldn't a simple BorrowerOrder < 2 be enough?




    #t AS t

    WHERE BorrowerOrder < 2

    The trouble with that is that it's only going to return 1 row, so what happens when the file has more than 2 borrowers? Also, the sequence of the values in the BORROWERORDER field may contain gaps, so that may only get one borrower when it should get two. Or even worse, return no borrowers at all.

    I think the OP's solution with a CTE is probably OK; roughly half of the CTE's rows are excluded from the output, but if the BorrowerOrder values are not guaranteed to be set of integers without gaps (and I imagine they can't be, since if they were there would be no need to use LEAD instead of just adding 1) there is no way to avoid that, and the performance penalty for having the extra data in the CTE is not enormous as all the rows with the right FILEID have to be read whether they are first of a pair or second of a pair. If the table is clustered on a key of which the FILEID is the first column, or there is a suitable covering index for this query where FILEID is the first column, the solution using a CTE will be pretty fast.

    Of course a slightly different query consisting of a CTE which adds a row number and doesn't combine records and a main select which joins with a tally table might be faster, but it might actually be slower. Probably it would be easy enough to measure and compare the two approaches if there's adequate test data.
