• So, first of all, I really appreciate the explanation. It mostly makes sense to me. But I feel I'd have a 0% chance of recreating it to solve a similar problem myself.

    I've been working on and off with SQL for many years. Can I ask, is this the kind of thinking that one "either has or doesn't have"? Or is it the kind of thinking that begins to come naturally only after being immersed in these types of problems on a daily basis for years?

    I'm really wanting to get to the level where I can come up with beautiful solutions like this on my own, but it seems so far away and I just haven't found a clear path that seems to lead me closer. Would love any tips or thoughts you can offer on the subject.

    Sorry if this is off-topic. Just feeling humbled and inspired by the posts on this site and really wanting to pursue this seriously somehow.

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura