SQL Server 2012 training

  • Hi,

    I would like to know the best consulting firms or training sites for online training in the from of DVD's

    I know one for Sharepoint, this site is excellent resource for SharePoint training. Similarly, I'm looking one for SQ Server


    Please advise.

  • SQL Server Central currently has 103 videos on various SQL related subjects:


    add in the Stairways series on various SQl related paths, and you've got a great start right here on this site.



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  • Thanks Lowell.

    I'm looking for kind of complete SQL Server 2012 administration training in DVD's or online training. There are lots of sites but wanted to know popular ones.


  • Better u go from learning Joes2pro.you will be having 5 set volume books for every version of sql server along with DVD's .

    Even it will helpful for clearing 70-461 paper.It is excellent material have ever seen ...:-)

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