• With 146 points it would seem you've been around long enough to know we need some help from you to help you, namely in the form of DDL and sample data.

    CREATE TABLE #tblProducts


    Product VARCHAR(10)

    ,[Month] INT

    ,[Year] INT

    ,Location VARCHAR(5)

    ,StartDate DATE

    ,EndDate DATE

    ,MaxPrice MONEY

    ,MaxPriceDate DATE

    ,MinPrice MONEY

    ,MinPriceDate DATE


    INSERT INTO #tblProducts

    (Product, [Month], [Year], Location, StartDate, EndDate)

    SELECT 'ACBD',8,2013,'Lon','11/01/2012','10/31/2013'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'ACBD',9,2013,'Lon','11/01/2012','10/31/2013'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'ACBD',10,2013,'Lon','11/01/2012','10/31/2013'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'EFGH',8,2013,'Lon','11/01/2012','10/31/2013';

    I must be feeling charitable today, so perhaps this will get you close:

    WITH tblPrice ([Date],Product,[Month],[Year],Price) AS


    SELECT CAST('08/01/2013' AS DATE),'ACBD',9,2013,180

    UNION ALL SELECT '07/31/2013','ACBD',9,2013,178

    UNION ALL SELECT '07/30/2013','ACBD',9,2013,167

    UNION ALL SELECT '07/29/2013','ACBD',9,2013,179

    UNION ALL SELECT '07/26/2013','ACBD',9,2013,180

    UNION ALL SELECT '07/25/2013','ACBD',9,2013,167

    UNION ALL SELECT '07/24/2013','ACBD',9,2013,175

    UNION ALL SELECT '07/23/2013','ACBD',9,2013,175


    ,tblDiff ([Date],Product,[Month],[Year],Location,Price) AS


    SELECT CAST('08/01/2013' AS DATE),'ACBD',9,2013,'Lon',1

    UNION ALL SELECT '07/29/2013','ACBD',9,2013,'Lon',2

    UNION ALL SELECT '07/28/2013','ACBD',9,2013,'Lon',5

    UNION ALL SELECT '07/27/2013','ACBD',9,2013,'Lon',5

    UNION ALL SELECT '07/24/2013','ACBD',9,2013,'Lon',3


    ,Calendar AS


    SELECT [Date]=DATEADD(day, n, (SELECT MIN([Date]) FROM tblPrice))




    SELECT TOP (SELECT DATEDIFF(day, MIN([Date]), MAX([Date])) FROM tblPrice)


    FROM sys.all_columns a

    ) a(n)


    Prices AS


    SELECT c.Product,c.[Month],c.[Year],c.Location


    ,Price=b.Price + c.Price

    ,rn1=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY c.Product,c.[Month],c.[Year],c.Location ORDER BY b.Price + c.Price)

    ,rn2=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY c.Product,c.[Month],c.[Year],c.Location ORDER BY b.Price + c.Price DESC)

    FROM Calendar a



    SELECT [Date],Product,[Month],[Year],Price



    SELECT [Date],Product,[Month],[Year],Price

    ,rn=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Product,[Month],[Year] ORDER BY b.[Date] DESC)

    FROM tblPrice b

    ) b

    WHERE rn = 1 AND a.[Date] <= b.[Date]

    ) b



    SELECT TOP 1 [Date],Product,[Month],[Year],Location,Price

    FROM tblDiff c

    WHERE c.[Date] <= a.[Date] AND

    c.Product = b.Product AND c.[Month] = b.[Month] AND c.[Year] = b.[Year]

    ORDER BY c.[Date] DESC

    ) c


    UPDATE a

    SET MinPrice = b.MinPrice

    ,MinPriceDate = b.MinPriceDate

    ,MaxPrice = b.MaxPrice

    ,MaxPriceDate = b.MaxPriceDate

    FROM #tblProducts a



    SELECT Product,[Month],[Year],Location

    ,MinPrice=MAX(CASE WHEN rn1=1 THEN Price END)

    ,MinPriceDate=MAX(CASE WHEN rn1=1 THEN PriceDate END)

    ,MaxPrice=MAX(CASE WHEN rn2=1 THEN Price END)

    ,MaxPriceDate=MAX(CASE WHEN rn2=1 THEN PriceDate END)

    FROM Prices

    GROUP BY Product,[Month],[Year],Location

    ) b

    ON a.Product = b.Product AND a.[Month] = b.[Month] AND a.[Year] = b.[Year] AND

    a.Location = b.Location;

    SELECT *

    FROM #tblProducts;


    DROP TABLE #tblProducts;

    Note that I get something slightly different than your expected results, but that may be due to an inconsistency that seems to be in your expected results. Or possibly a minor error in my suggested query or data setup. Either way, it would be incumbent upon you to analyze my method (I believe it is sound) and see if you can make it work for you.

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/St