• tajrin (10/25/2013)

    tnx for the reply, some more questions please:

    1...Is it possible to get 3 as a final result....ie the total number of different combinations?

    Sure no problem. Just roll your code into a cte and then it is pretty simple

    ;with Combinations as


    Select COUNT(*) / LEN(x.Vals) TCRuns, x.Vals



    SELECT t1.ID as RunID, msv1.Val as Vals

    From trial t1



    (SELECT t2.Val --+ '|'

    FROM trial t2

    WHERE t1.ID = t2.ID

    ORDER BY t2.Val

    FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(max)')

    ) msv1 (Val)

    ) x

    Group by x.Vals


    , TotalCount as


    select COUNT(*) as TotalCount from Combinations


    select *

    from Combinations

    cross join TotalCount

    2...why did you comment out the pipe separator (|)?

    It made it far easier to see the results without the extra noise of a | in middle. There was no logical reason to remove it. If you want/need it just put it back in.

    3...Is it possible to achieve the same result without using FOR XML path, because this is kind of slow.

    It is certainly possible to do this other ways but I don't know that there is a faster way.


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    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
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