• I have the following criteria for my posts:

    1) There is no existing post that already covers what I would say (although consolidation and/or simplification are viable reasons to still post).

    2) There is inherent value in the post for either me at a later date or someone else i.e. it is a solution to a problem, not just opinion.

    This criteria has lead me to write just four posts. I am not interested in filling a blog up with musings (although this is a valuable output from some people). I find that there are plenty of forums (in the nontechnical sense although they are mostly forums in the technical sense) for opinions and discussions on various topics.

    If people want to research me online I am clear about who I am in all my online presences; same name, same avatar. Of course, I am lucky to have an uncommon name combination.


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!