• What should we report back if these conditions take place:

    1 - The employee in question is a director?

    2 - There are several directors at the same level?

    Anyway, the idea would be to traverse the hierarchy one level at a time and stop the recursive part as soon as you have found the first 'IsDirector'.

    with C1 as (

    select employeeid, fname, lname, IsDirector, employeeid as R, IsDirector as FoundDir

    from employees

    where employeeid = @employeeid

    union all

    select C.employeeid, C.fname, C.lname, C.IsDirector, P.R, max(IsDirector) over(partition by P.R)

    from C1 as P inner join employees as C on C.ReportsTo = P.employeeid

    where P.FoundDir = 0


    select *

    from C1

    where IsDirector = 1;

    We can adapt it after you have posted DDL and sample data.