• Steve Jones - SSC Editor (10/21/2013)

    Miles Neale (10/21/2013)

    I got a twitter account two years back and have used it just a little. The entire experience was useless.

    Maybe it is time to try again.


    You need to have a community of friends to follow and interact with. It's like going to a bar or party where you don't know anyone and don't have common interests. It's not much fun if you don't have something in to talk about.

    Twitter is a water cooler in a busy hallway. People walk by and say something and you have a 5 minute conversation with a person, or random people passing through.

    Problem is that all social media including Twitter is not allowed for those of us who work in some of the areas of government. So at work I cannot even open a session of Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. When I am at home I do not believe I should let the work dominate the day.

    I will not address the wisdom of government, but some times a person questions some of these out-of-date rules.


    Not all gray hairs are Dinosaurs!