• Luis Cazares (10/21/2013)

    Kurt W. Zimmerman (10/21/2013)

    Luis Cazares (10/21/2013)

    Locks will happen on both updates. The difference might be the JOIN type which uses different standards. The first query uses ANSI-92 standard and the second one uses ANSI-89 standard. AFAIK, both queries will be interpreted the same way.

    OK, so looking at both queries I'd have to say I'm "old school" cuz I would have written it the second way. :Whistling:

    I would suggest you to change your habits as the outer joins in the ANSI-89 standard are no longer supported on SQL Server. Who knows, maybe they'll force complete ANSI-92 standard in future versions.

    Some habits are easy to break... This is one of them.

    Thanks Luis.


    Kurt W. Zimmerman
    SR DBA
    Lefrak Organization
    New York, NY
