• --create a new local table and add start date column and separating the month and year in the monthyyear column

    Declare @loc_table table (emp int, dates int, year int, amount money,startdate smalldatetime)

    Insert into @loc_table

    Select emp

    ,(case when len(monthyyear) = 6 then substring(monthyyear,1,2)

    when len(monthyyear) = 5 then substring(monthyyear,1,1)

    else ''

    end) as dates

    ,(case when len(monthyyear) = 6 then substring(monthyyear,3,4)

    when len(monthyyear) = 5 then substring(monthyyear,2,4)

    else ''

    end)as year



    from tablename

    Update @loc_table

    SET startdate = dateadd(month,dates-1,dateadd(yy,year-1900,0))

    From @loc_table

    --input variables

    --need a Query from the month 112013 to 122014

    Declare @startdate smalldatetime

    ,@enddate smalldatetime

    ,@month1 int

    ,@year1 int

    ,@month2 int

    ,@year2 int

    ,@montyear1 varchar(10)

    ,@monthyear2 varchar(10)

    SET @montyear1 = 112013

    SET @monthyear2 = 122014

    --get the start date

    SET @month1 = (case when len(@montyear1) = 6 then substring(@montyear1,1,2)

    when len(@montyear1) = 5 then substring(@montyear1,1,1)

    else ''


    SET @year1 = (case when len(@montyear1) = 6 then substring(@montyear1,3,4)

    when len(@montyear1) = 5 then substring(@montyear1,2,4)

    else ''


    SET @startdate = dateadd(month,@month1-1,dateadd(yy,@year1-1900,0))

    --get the end date

    SET @month2 = (case when len(@monthyear2) = 6 then substring(@monthyear2,1,2)

    when len(@monthyear2) = 5 then substring(@monthyear2,1,1)

    else ''


    SET @year2 = (case when len(@monthyear2) = 6 then substring(@monthyear2,3,4)

    when len(@monthyear2) = 5 then substring(@monthyear2,2,4)

    else ''


    SET @enddate = dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(month,@month2,dateadd(yy,@year2-1900,0)))

    select emp, sum(amount) as Amount from @loc_table

    where Startdate between @startdate and @enddate

    group by emp