Home Forums SQL Server 2008 T-SQL (SS2K8) join/merge 2 status tables (check statuses at any change) RE: join/merge 2 status tables (check statuses at any change)

  • I suppose it depends how you define 'messy'.

    You can probably achieve a better solution with a calendar table, but if you have a lot of these status tables, thats still a lot of steps.

    Here is a sample of what I'm talking about:

    CREATE TABLE #table2(

    [Object] [nvarchar](1000) NULL,

    [status2] [nvarchar](1000) NULL,

    [date] [datetime] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT #table2 ([Object], [status2], [date]) VALUES (N'Obj1', N'ACTIVE', CAST(0x00008D3F00000000 AS DateTime))

    INSERT #table2 ([Object], [status2], [date]) VALUES (N'Obj1', N'INACTIV', CAST(0x00008F9D00000000 AS DateTime))

    INSERT #table2 ([Object], [status2], [date]) VALUES (N'Obj1', N'UNKNOWN', CAST(0x000094DF00000000 AS DateTime))

    INSERT #table2 ([Object], [status2], [date]) VALUES (N'Obj1', N'check', CAST(0x0000A31E00000000 AS DateTime))


    CREATE TABLE #table1(

    [Object] [nvarchar](1000) NULL,

    [status1] [nvarchar](1000) NULL,

    [date] [datetime] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT #table1 ([Object], [status1], [date]) VALUES (N'Obj1', N'Open', CAST(0x00008BD200000000 AS DateTime))

    INSERT #table1 ([Object], [status1], [date]) VALUES (N'Obj1', N'Closed', CAST(0x00008F4400000000 AS DateTime))

    INSERT #table1 ([Object], [status1], [date]) VALUES (N'Obj1', N'Open', CAST(0x00009A5700000000 AS DateTime))

    INSERT #table1 ([Object], [status1], [date]) VALUES (N'Obj1', N'Closed', CAST(0x0000A13900000000 AS DateTime))

    Create table #Calendar (



    insert into #Calendar

    SELECT top 10000 dateadd(dd, row_number() over (order by s1.name), 'Dec 31, 1997')

    FROM sys.syscolumns S1

    CROSS JOIN sys.syscolumns S2


    WITH table1CTE AS (

    SELECT [Object], [status1], [date], row_number() over (partition by [Object] order by [date]) AS RowNum

    FROM #table1


    table1SelfJoin AS (

    SELECT t1.Object,t1.status1,t1.date AS StartDate,COALESCE (t2.date,'Dec 31, 2030') AS EndDate

    FROM table1CTE t1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN table1CTE t2

    ON t1.Object = t2.Object

    AND t1.RowNum +1 =t2.RowNum


    table1Calendar AS (

    SELECT t1.Object,t2.status1,t2.StartDate,c.calendar_date

    FROM #Calendar c

    CROSS JOIN (select distinct [Object] from #table1) t1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN table1SelfJoin t2

    ON t1.Object = t2.Object

    AND c.calendar_date BETWEEN t2.StartDate AND t2.EndDate


    table2CTE AS (

    SELECT [Object], [status2], [date], row_number() over (partition by [Object] order by [date]) AS RowNum

    FROM #table2


    table2SelfJoin AS (

    SELECT t1.Object,t1.status2,t1.date AS StartDate,COALESCE (t2.date,'Dec 31, 2030') AS EndDate

    FROM table2CTE t1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN table2CTE t2

    ON t1.Object = t2.Object

    AND t1.RowNum +1 =t2.RowNum


    table2Calendar AS (

    SELECT t1.Object,t2.status2,t2.StartDate,c.calendar_date

    FROM #Calendar c

    CROSS JOIN (select distinct [Object] from #table2) t1

    LEFT OUTER JOIN table2SelfJoin t2

    ON t1.Object = t2.Object

    AND c.calendar_date BETWEEN t2.StartDate AND t2.EndDate


    SELECT t1.Object,t1.status1,t2.status2,t1.calendar_date

    FROM table1Calendar t1

    INNER JOIN table2Calendar t2

    ON t1.Object = t2.Object

    AND t1.calendar_date = t2.calendar_date

    WHERE t1.calendar_date in (t1.StartDate,t2.StartDate)

    ORDER by t1.calendar_date

    DRop table #Calendar

    DRop table #table1

    DRop table #table2

    As you can see, as is it is FAR more convoluted than your solution.

    But, not only should the calendar table be permanent and built in advance (with some other handy reference columns in case you want to use it elsewhere), but you could also pre-build a view for each of your status tables which essentially mirrors the calendar CTEs.

    If you pre-do those steps for your status tables, you can merge any of them per your requirements with just the select at the end. And those views will also help other queries where you want to know what a status was on a specific date.