Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 - General how to split the comma delimited string into rows without using LOOP, CTE, XML. RE: how to split the comma delimited string into rows without using LOOP, CTE, XML.

  • Th. Fuchs (10/11/2013)

    -- f.e.: to split the comma delimited string into rows without using LOOP, CTE, XML.

    declare @p nvarchar(max) = '', @start datetime

    select @p += name + ',' from master.sys.sysobjects

    select items = @@rowcount + 1

    select @p += 'End of Teststring'

    select lentotal = len(@p)

    print 'Teststring: ''' + @p + ''''

    select @start = getdate()

    ;with zahlen(n) as (select 1 union all select n + 1 from zahlen where n < datalength(@p))


    --n = case when n = 1 then 0 else n + 1 end, -- start delimiter found

    --m = isnull(nullif(charindex(',', @p, n + 1), 0), len(@p)), -- calulated pos of next delimiter

    --l = isnull(nullif(charindex(',', @p, n + 1), 0), len(@p))

    -- - n - case when n = 1 then 0 else 1 end, -- calulated len to next delimiter

    [substring] = substring(@p,

    case when n = 1 then 0 else n + 1 end, -- start of token

    isnull(nullif(charindex(',', @p, n + 1), 0), len(@p)) - n +

    case when n = 1 then 1 -- start at position 0

    when charindex(',', @p, n + 1) = 0 then 0 -- the last token

    else -1 end -- len of token


    from zahlen where n = 1 or substring(@p, n, 1) = ','

    option (maxrecursion 0);

    print 'time used ' + cast(cast(datediff(ms, @start, getdate()) / 1000.0 as decimal(16,2)) as varchar(8))

    + ' seconds for ' + cast(@@rowcount as varchar(8)) + ' rows'

    Aside from the fact that my eyes hurt of that code formatting (there's a SQL code IFCode shortcut at the left, you know), there's still a CTE in there.

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