• For this type of problem I like the Windows functions to give each row a number which makes the row unique.

    With CTE the 'double' rows can be removed.

    CREATE TABLE dbo.SB_Dupli


    Tekst varchar(300) NULL,

    Number int NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    insert into SB_Dupli values ('aaaa', 1)

    insert into SB_Dupli values ('aaaa', 6)

    insert into SB_Dupli values ('aaaa', 1)

    insert into SB_Dupli values ('bbbb', 2)

    insert into SB_Dupli values ('bbbb', 2)

    insert into SB_Dupli values ('bbbb', 2)

    insert into SB_Dupli values ('cccc', 3)

    insert into SB_Dupli values ('dddd', 4)

    insert into SB_Dupli values ('dddd', 5)

    insert into SB_Dupli values ('dddd', 4)

    -- show all rows.

    select * from sb_dupli

    -- show all distinct rows.

    select distinct * from sb_dupli

    -- show all rows with duplicates

    select Tekst, number, COUNT(*) multiple_aantal from SB_Dupli

    group by Tekst, number having COUNT(*) > 1

    -- give the duplicates a 'number'

    -- remove the double rows.


    -- Actual code to delete



    A as (


    row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY tekst, number ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) volgnr

    from sb_dupli


    delete A where volgnr > 1


    -- End Actual code to delete


    -- show the table

    select * from sb_dupli

    -- drop the example table

    drop table SB_Dupli

    Variations. (Replace the row_number line with)

    -- Duplicate texts are removed.

    row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY tekst ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) volgnr

    -- Duplicate texts are removed Highest number is left.

    row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY tekst ORDER BY number DESC) volgnr

    -- Duplicate texts are removed Lowest number is left.

    row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY tekst ORDER BY number) volgnr

    -- Duplicate number are removed.

    row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY number ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) volgnr

    With this set of code you can remove duplicates where the complete row is duplicated or a number of fields is duplicated.

    The partition clause should contain all the fields to determine which are duplicates, first row in the order by is the row which is kept.
