• OK, found a better way then the cursor, and already tried it.

    Used this:



    , STATS_DATE(object_id, stats_id) as LastUpdated

    from sys.stats

    where object_id = 735341684

    order by LastUpdated asc;

    to see which stats hadn't been updated this weekend, then manually tried to update each of those. The one that failed is an auto-created stats on one of the computed columns.

    The datatype of the column is Numeric, and the computed text is: (CONVERT([numeric],[ColumnName],(0))/(100.0))

    Now, I checked ColumnName, and I think I've found the problem (time to give the dev a headache! 😉 ) ColumnName is a varchar(10). So I'm betting, someone, somewhere, entered something like 1234ABC.123 in there.

    Time to do a select ColumnName from... and see what comes up.

    And, found the problem child...

    Somehow a value of '16923951 0' got entered...

    Chatting with the Dev about making the computed column better able to deal with things like this...