• parulprabu (10/3/2013)

    SrcName (10/3/2013)

    create table #temp


    spid smallint ,

    ecid smallint ,

    status nchar(30) ,

    loginame nchar(128) ,

    hostname nchar(128) ,

    blk char(5) ,

    dbname nchar(128) ,

    cmd nchar(16),

    request_id int


    insert into #temp exec sp_who

    select * from #temp where blk!=0 order by cast(blk as int) desc

    This will not give textdata (Query which query get it blocking)

    I have been used your way of getting blocked SPID, read data from DM-TABLE, but i think that is slower compared with sp_who.

    I get sql text on this way

    declare @sqltext VARBINARY(128)

    select @sqltext = sql_handle

    FROM sys.sysprocesses



    FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(@sqltext)

    Dear parulprabu

    You may try and tell us opinion