• Hi Mark,

    What an excellent reply. Thanks a ton. It just lacks one thing and that's because I dint explained that case in my requirement but you asked that question in your reply. Please let me know how to solve that.

    Regarding your question:

    If you had the case where two mappings, mapping 1 (ABC) and mapping 2 (BCD), which would you require for an order with products ABCD as both would match.

    Ans: In this case in the mapping table will have a mapping for D,B,C ->T and the output should have the result with both the combinations. One for the output for ABC and one for the output BCD. An order can contain products alone , product with B or product with B and C and mapping table would have mapping for all the scenarios. In my expected output I showed a line as 1 | Z | 2 | 200 but this was a mistake from my end. Since order 1 had also B and C in it, the output should retrieve the corresponding output for the combination of (DBC) i.e. T and not for D alone.

    I have added the changes in Mapping_IN and Mapping_OUT table with the OUTPUT for DBC but its not giving output T in the result.

    declare @Order table

    (OrderID int,

    OrderItem varchar(10),

    Quantity int,

    Price money)

    declare @Mapping_IN table

    (MapID varchar(3),

    OrderItem varchar(10),

    MajorProduct int)

    declare @Mapping_OUT table

    (MapID varchar(3),

    OrderItem varchar(10))

    insert into @Order values












    insert into @Mapping_IN values


















    insert into @Mapping_OUT values











    --SELECT * FROM @Mapping_OUT

    --SELECT * FROM @Mapping_IN

    --SELECT * FROM @Order


    ;with MapItemList as


    select MapID, count(*) as NumberOfItemsInList

    from @Mapping_IN

    group by MapID


    MatchesList as


    select MI.MapID, O.OrderID, count(*) as NumberOfMatches

    from @Order as O

    inner join @Mapping_IN as MI

    on O.OrderItem = MI.OrderItem

    group by MI.MapID, O.OrderID


    FindMatches as


    select ML.*, row_number() over (partition by ML.OrderID order by ML.NumberOfMatches desc) as RN

    from MatchesList as ML

    inner join MapItemList as MA

    on ML.MapID = MA.MapID and ML.NumberOfMatches = MA.NumberOfItemsInList


    select O.OrderID, MO.OrderItem, O.Quantity, O.Price

    from FindMatches as FM

    inner join @Mapping_IN as MI

    on FM.MapID = MI.MapID and MI.MajorProduct = 1

    inner join @Order as O

    on O.OrderID = FM.OrderID and MI.OrderItem = O.OrderItem

    inner join @Mapping_OUT as MO

    on FM.MapID = MO.MapID

    where RN = 1; -- Only allows the best match available i.e. most amount of products matched

    select O.OrderID, MO.OrderItem, O.Quantity, O.Price

    from (select ML.*, row_number() over (partition by ML.OrderID order by ML.NumberOfMatches desc) as RN

    from (select MI.MapID, O.OrderID, count(*) as NumberOfMatches

    from @Order as O

    inner join @Mapping_IN as MI

    on O.OrderItem = MI.OrderItem

    group by MI.MapID, O.OrderID) as ML

    inner join (select MapID, count(*) as NumberOfItemsInList

    from @Mapping_IN

    group by MapID) as MA

    on ML.MapID = MA.MapID and ML.NumberOfMatches = MA.NumberOfItemsInList) as FM

    inner join @Mapping_IN as MI

    on FM.MapID = MI.MapID and MI.MajorProduct = 1

    inner join @Order as O

    on O.OrderID = FM.OrderID and MI.OrderItem = O.OrderItem

    inner join @Mapping_OUT as MO

    on FM.MapID = MO.MapID

    where RN = 1; -- Only allows the best match available i.e. most amount of products matched

    Please HELP !! Again thanks a lot for taking time out of your schedule to reply for my post !!