• Also run these

    alter database dbname set page_verify checksum -- torn_page_detection

    -- upgrade creates a schema for all users and sets this as default, use following to create SQL to

    -- modify users default schema to dbo and then run in a new window

    -- if SQL 2000 objects were not owned by dbo modify script accordingly

    -- SQL2000 always checks objects by username.object first, then checks dbo.object if not found,

    -- so this check can be avoided and improve performance by setting default_schema to dbo so it is checked first,

    -- however if all objects are owned by the user or all or some are owned by user and object not qualified with

    -- owner in SQL then default_schema should be left at user. Only testing may prove this.

    set nocount on

    select 'alter user '+ name+ ' with default_schema = dbo' from sys.sysusers

    where uid > 4 and isntgroup = 0 and issqlrole = 0 and isapprole = 0

    order by name

    -- now drop all the user schemas created

    select 'drop schema ['+ name+ '] ' from sys.sysusers

    where uid > 4 and issqlrole = 0 and isapprole = 0

    order by name
