• paul.j.kemna (9/25/2013)

    We don't own the calendar table, so that is not really an option.

    Anyway, my boss and I came up with this code as an option as well:

    DECLARE @someDate as DATE = '2013-09-26'

    select CASE WHEN DATEPART(DW, @someDate) >= 4 THEN DATEADD(d,4-DATEPART(DW, @someDate), @someDate) ELSE

    DATEADD(d,4-DATEPART(DW, DATEADD(D, -7, @someDate)),DATEADD(D, -7, @someDate)) END

    Weeks of the year is not necessary in this instance. We simply needed to be able to group by a week start of Wednesday, and display the past X weeks. (I chose 8 as a place to start).


    That's not really the best way to go because it depends on the setting of a run-time session parameter, DATEFIRST.

    Try this to return the datetime of the Wednesday on or before @someDate at time 00:00:00.000 (midnight). You can cast the result back to DATE if you prefer.

    declare @someDate as DATE = '2013-09-26'

    Select Wed = dateadd(dd,((datediff(dd,'17530103',@someDate)/7)*7),'17530103')

    More info here:

    Start of Week Function


    Edit: Modified code to use parameter of type DATE