• cs 29850 (9/23/2013)

    Thanks for your're help.

    I found the solution of today record only

    anyone can teach me who to show every day records,

    select Period.[Time], count(FileBackup.Hostname)

    from dbo.FileBackup, dbo.Period

    where (CONVERT(varchar(19), FileBackup.DateKey, 120)

    > CONVERT(varchar(10), GETDATE() - 1, 120) + SPACE(1) + '09:59:00')

    AND (Period.[Time] between CONVERT(VARCHAR(12) , FileBackup.StartTime,114) AND CONVERT(VARCHAR(12) , FileBackup.EndTime,114))

    group by Period.[Time]

    order by Period.[Time]

    today I check the results, 1000 records,....only found out 442......Oh my god....