• immaduddinahmed (9/18/2013)

    i have a query

    UPDATE dbo.cheeck

    SET CheckTime = DATEADD(DAY, -1, CheckTime)

    WHERE Status = 'O' and datepart(hh,CheckTime) BETWEEN 0 AND 11

    i want to update a current date data please help me to resolve this problem.

    I'm not sure if I understand your question.

    If you are trying to only update the data for today (current date), just add the cryterium.

    Declare @DateFrom datetime , @DateTo datetime

    /* convert datetime to date 00:00:00.000 */

    Set @DateFrom = dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate() ),0)

    Set @DateTo = Dateadd(HH, 12, @DateFrom)

    UPDATE dbo.cheeck

    SET CheckTime = DATEADD(DAY, -1, CheckTime)

    WHERE Status = 'O' /*and datepart(hh,CheckTime) BETWEEN 0 AND 11 --> not needed because we filter checktime from / to */

    AND checktime >= @DateFrom

    and checktime < @DateTo


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