• Thanks for reply.. I have changed the script for email notification as below and sending email number of records not to be zero

    select MACHINE, COUNT(*) as Instance

    into #tableA

    from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE

    group by MACHINE

    Select COUNT(*)/4 as InstanceA

    into #tableB

    from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE

    Select A.MACHINE, A.Instance, B.InstanceA,

    (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) as Diff

    into #results

    from #tableA A,

    #tableB B

    where (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) < -3 or (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) > 3

    -- If you are wanting the number of records to not be zero

    If ((select count(*) from #results) <> 0)


    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name='db_mail',


    @subject='Alert!-Verify Instance',

    @query='select * from #results'


    drop table #tableA

    drop table #tableB

    drop table #results