• It's realy hard to understand what you are after here is it the 'Diff' can not be zero to send email or if number of rows returned is not zero then send email?

    This is just my problem with doing sub queries, so I broke it down to se what is going on.

    select MACHINE, COUNT(*) as Instance

    into #tableA

    from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE

    group by MACHINE

    Select COUNT(*)/4 as InstanceA

    into #tableB

    from PROD.dbo.CM_INSTANCE

    Select A.MACHINE, A.Instance, B.InstanceA,

    (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) as Diff

    into #results

    from #tableA A,

    #tableB B

    where (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) < -3 or (B.InstanceA-A.Instance) > 3

    -- If you are you trying to see if the 'Diff' is not zero to send email

    If ((select Diff from #results) <> 0)




    -- If you are wanting the number of records to not be zero

    If ((select count(*) from #results) <> 0)




    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.