• I may be misunderstanding you requirement, but you could simply change your outer select to do a union all (or union depending on your data)


    r.DIVName1 as [Division]

    ,r.CCYCODE as [Code]

    ,r.title as [Foreign Currency Receivables]

    ,r.FCRJan as [Jan]

    ,r.FCRFeb as [Feb]

    ,r.FCRMar as [Mar]

    ,r.total as [Total]

    from cteFCR r

    union all


    p.DIVName1 as [Division]

    ,p.CCYCODE as [Code]

    ,p.title as [Foreign Currency Payables]

    ,p.FCPJan as [Jan]

    ,p.FCPFeb as[Feb]

    ,p.FCPMar as [Mar]

    ,p.total as [Total]

    from cteFCP p

    union all


    d.DIVNAME1 as [Division]

    ,d.CCYCODE as [Code]

    ,d.title as [Draft Foreign Currency Payables]

    ,d.DFCPJan as [Jan]

    ,d.DFCPFeb as [Feb]

    ,d.DFCPMar as [Mar]

    ,d.total as [Total]

    from cteDFCP d