• Here is the code from sp_configure:

    -- Use @configname and try to find the right option.

    -- If there isn't just one, print appropriate diagnostics and return.

    select @configcount = count(*)

    from sys.configurations

    where lower(name) like '%' + @configname + '%'

    and (is_advanced = 0 or @show_advance = 1)

    -- If no option, print an error message.

    if @configcount = 0


    raiserror (15123,-1,-1,@confignameIn)

    return (1)


    -- If more than one option like @configname, show the duplicates and return.

    if @configcount > 1


    raiserror (15124,-1,-1,@confignameIn)

    print ' '

    select duplicate_options = name

    from sys.configurations

    where lower(name) like '%' + @configname + '%'

    and (is_advanced = 0 or @show_advance = 1)

    return (1)



    -- There must be exactly one, so get the full name.

    select @configname = name

    from sys.configurations

    where lower(name) like '%' + @configname + '%'

    and (is_advanced = 0 or @show_advance = 1)