• I used a CTE to cast the data... and it works, thanks for your help.... I was chasing the wrong rabbit.

    ;with Del_Ind as


    SELECT Row_Number() Over(Partition by Purchasing_Doc_Num, Purchasing_Req_Item_Num order by Purchasing_Doc_Num, Purchasing_Req_Item_Num) as Row

    ,Purchasing_Doc_Num, Purchasing_Req_Item_Num, CAST(Delivery_Ind as CHAR(1)) as Delivery_Ind

    From [p04].[data].[dbo].[vw_purcordstohist_raw]


    SELECT Purchasing_Doc_Num, Purchasing_Req_Item_Num, Min(Delivery_Ind) as 'Delivery_ind'

    From Del_Ind

    group by Purchasing_Doc_Num, Purchasing_Req_Item_Num