• ChrisM@Work (8/16/2013)

    My mistake, coding before thinking. Try this:

    SELECT *

    FROM Calendar c

    CROSS JOIN employee e

    LEFT JOIN attendlog a

    ON a.eid = e.eid

    AND a.CheckTIme = c.Date

    WHERE c.[Date] >= CAST('20130801' AS DATETIME)

    AND c.[Date] <= CAST('20130815' AS DATETIME)

    ORDER BY e.eid

    thanks but i pass that level 🙂 now i am getting problem in another level

    this is the query


    distinct w.eID,


    COALESCE(al.CheckTime, c.[Date]) AS [Date]




    GROUP BYeID,status

    ) AS w

    CROSS JOINdbo.Calendar AS c

    LEFT JOINdbo.AttendLog AS al ON al.eID = w.eID

    AND DATEDIFF(DAY, al.CheckTime, c.[Date]) = 0

    where date='20130731'

    after execute query data show like this


    17028--------O-----2013-07-31 08:11:00.000

    204----------O-----2013-07-31 15:45:00.000

    25416--------O-----2013-07-31 16:02:00.000

    2634---------I-----2013-07-31 00:00:00.000

    26318--------O-----2013-07-31 00:00:00.000

    1312---------O-----2013-07-31 00:00:00.000

    how i show result like this


    17028--------O-----2013-07-31 08:11:00.000-----P

    204----------O-----2013-07-31 15:45:00.000-----P

    25416--------O-----2013-07-31 16:02:00.000-----P

    2634---------I-----2013-07-31 00:00:00.000-----A

    26318--------O-----2013-07-31 00:00:00.000-----A

    1312---------O-----2013-07-31 00:00:00.000-----A

    means if date its not showing time then attendance is A if date show

    time the attendance P

    actulay this work is above my level thats why i am getting complexity 🙂
