• Good job on the article, BUT.

    If you think that this is a solution, and are planning on relying on this as some sort of protection from stupid, it's not. There are so many holes in this, as well as the potential performance hit, that rolling this out in a production environment would probably be a waste of time.

    Sure, you can do this, but why would you want to? There are many things that need to be done first before something like this is deployed. This certainly is a false sense of security.

    To state the obvious, why does a developer have anything more than read only rights in a production database?

    How did this error get discovered? Did a <fill in big title here> run a report and wonder how the corporate revenue decreased by <fill in big number> overnight? This was an easy one. What if it had been a smaller error that wasn't uncovered for a year or longer?

    Lastly, not to pile on, but if you worked for me, you would have been terminated on the spot for publishing production data to a public forum. There's nothing here that can be used in a malicious manner, but it's still production data. As a DBA, protecting the company's data is paramount. In this case, you did not do your job.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum: