• How about something with no CTE nor subquery...

    I'll borrow the population of test data...

    if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Something') is not null

    drop table #Something

    create table #Something


    VendID char(3),

    Type int


    insert #Something

    select 'ABC', 1 union all

    select 'ABC', 0 union all

    select 'ABC', 0 union all

    select 'XYZ', 1 union all

    select 'XYZ', 0 union all

    select 'XYZ', 0 union all

    select 'XYZ', 0;

    Here's the code for your required output


    vendid, type,

    new_vendid = vendid + case when type = 1 then '' else '-' + right('0' + cast(row_number() over(partition by vendid order by vendid asc, type desc) - 1 as varchar(2)),2) end

    from #something

    Happy Coding!!!

    ~~ CKK