• Your inserts didn't work because you have specified a value for each row but the values are all the same. I modified that so it will work.

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #mytable

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #mytable



    c_dt DATETIME,

    last_dt DATETIME,

    c_rep INT,


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #mytable

    (c_dt, last_dt, c_rep )

    SELECT '2010-09-06 12:00AM','2010-09-04 12:00AM','25' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-09-06 12:00AM','2010-08-04 12:00AM','25' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-09-06 12:00AM','2010-07-04 12:00AM','23' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-09-06 12:00AM','2010-06-04 12:00AM','25' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-09-06 12:00AM','2010-05-04 12:00AM','23' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-10-06 12:00AM','2010-10-04 12:00AM','25' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-10-06 12:00AM','2010-09-04 12:00AM','25' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-10-06 12:00AM','2010-08-04 12:00AM','25' UNION ALL

    SELECT '2010-10-06 12:00AM','2010-07-04 12:00AM','23'

    select * from #mytable

    Now for the actual problem.

    First, I need to pull the c_id, c_dt, and s_code for specific s_codes by the last c_dt for those specific codes. Once I have those, I want to pull the matching c_ids for any transactions that occured prior to each distinct c_dt in in my initial query, and select only the last c_id date from that group of records, so that my result is:

    '11111','2010-09-06 12:00AM','2010-09-04 12:00AM','25'

    '11111','2010-10-06 12:00AM','2010-10-04 12:00AM','25'

    Many thanks!

    From that description I have absolutely no idea what the logic is supposed to be here.


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    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Tally+Table/72993/.

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 1 – Converting Rows to Columns - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/T-SQL/63681/
    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Crosstab/65048/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 1) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69953/
    Understanding and Using APPLY (Part 2) - http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/APPLY/69954/