• kapil_kk (8/2/2013)


    Try this now-



    ,b.vchBarcode as [Barcode]

    ,i.dteIncidentDate as [IncidentDate]

    ,ISNULL(ISNULL(p.nvcDisplayName, p2.nvcDisplayName), '') as [ServiceProvider]

    ,dteAssignedDate as [AssignedDate]

    ,dteCompletedDate as [CompletedDate]

    ,DATEDIFF(Hour, dteAssignedDate,dteCompletedDate) as [TimeToComplete]

    ,ISNULL(lb.TotalHours, 0) as [TotalHours]

    ,lb.TotalHours/DATEDIFF(Hour, dteAssignedDate,dteCompletedDate) as [Efficiency]

    ,'' as [Productivity]



    From dtlIncident i

    Inner Join dtlJobCard jc on i.uidId = jc.uidIncidentId

    Left Join (Select intJobCardId,

    SUM(decHoursWorked + decOvertime1HoursWorked +decOvertime2HoursWorked + decOvertime3HoursWorked ) as TotalHours

    From dtlLabour

    Group By intJobCardId) lb on jc.intJobCardId = lb.intJobCardId

    Left Join dtlParty p on jc.uidServiceProviderOrganisationId = p.uidPartyId

    Left Join dtlParty p2 on jc.uidServiceProviderPersonId = p2.uidPartyId

    Inner Join dtlBarcode b with (nolock) on i.uidBarcodeId = b.uidId

    Left Join dtlItem it on jc.intItemId = it.intItemId

    Where i.dteIncidentDate between @dteFromDate and @dteToDate

    and it.bitIsAsset = Case @bitAsset When 1 Then (SELECT it.intItemId FROM dtlItem it WHERE it.intItemId IS NOT NULL) Else 'All' End

    If this works, I think it's by accident and not by design. It shouldn't be necessary to read the dtlItem table again, and the new subquery could return more than one result which would generate an error. I think this is what you are looking for:

    WHERE i.dteIncidentDate BETWEEN @dteFromDate AND @dteToDate

    AND (

    (@bitAsset = 1 AND it.bitIsAsset = it.intItemId AND it.intItemId IS NOT NULL)


    (@bitAsset <> 1 AND it.bitIsAsset = 'All')


    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden