• Teee (8/2/2013)



    ,b.vchBarcodeas [Barcode]

    ,i.dteIncidentDateas [IncidentDate]

    ,ISNULL(ISNULL(p.nvcDisplayName, p2.nvcDisplayName), '')as [ServiceProvider]

    ,dteAssignedDateas [AssignedDate]

    ,dteCompletedDateas [CompletedDate]

    ,DATEDIFF(Hour, dteAssignedDate,dteCompletedDate) as [TimeToComplete]

    ,ISNULL(lb.TotalHours, 0)as [TotalHours]

    ,lb.TotalHours/DATEDIFF(Hour, dteAssignedDate,dteCompletedDate)as [Efficiency]

    ,''as [Productivity]



    From dtlIncident i

    Inner Join dtlJobCard jc on i.uidId = jc.uidIncidentId

    Left Join (Select intJobCardId,

    SUM(decHoursWorked + decOvertime1HoursWorked +decOvertime2HoursWorked + decOvertime3HoursWorked ) as TotalHours

    From dtlLabour

    Group By intJobCardId) lb on jc.intJobCardId = lb.intJobCardId

    Left Join dtlParty p on jc.uidServiceProviderOrganisationId = p.uidPartyId

    Left Join dtlParty p2 on jc.uidServiceProviderPersonId = p2.uidPartyId

    Inner Join dtlBarcode b with (nolock) on i.uidBarcodeId = b.uidId

    Left Join dtlItem it on jc.intItemId = it.intItemId

    Where i.dteIncidentDate between @dteFromDate and @dteToDate

    and it.bitIsAsset = Case @bitAsset When 1 Then it.intItemId IS NOT NULL Else 'All' End --This is the part that's breaking the script

    I'm actually passing bitIsAsset as a parameter( When its = 1 the the itemid must not be blank or null) else the parameter value must be All

    I just don't know how to use IS NOT NULL in a case statement.


    Try this now-



    ,b.vchBarcode as [Barcode]

    ,i.dteIncidentDate as [IncidentDate]

    ,ISNULL(ISNULL(p.nvcDisplayName, p2.nvcDisplayName), '') as [ServiceProvider]

    ,dteAssignedDate as [AssignedDate]

    ,dteCompletedDate as [CompletedDate]

    ,DATEDIFF(Hour, dteAssignedDate,dteCompletedDate) as [TimeToComplete]

    ,ISNULL(lb.TotalHours, 0) as [TotalHours]

    ,lb.TotalHours/DATEDIFF(Hour, dteAssignedDate,dteCompletedDate) as [Efficiency]

    ,'' as [Productivity]



    From dtlIncident i

    Inner Join dtlJobCard jc on i.uidId = jc.uidIncidentId

    Left Join (Select intJobCardId,

    SUM(decHoursWorked + decOvertime1HoursWorked +decOvertime2HoursWorked + decOvertime3HoursWorked ) as TotalHours

    From dtlLabour

    Group By intJobCardId) lb on jc.intJobCardId = lb.intJobCardId

    Left Join dtlParty p on jc.uidServiceProviderOrganisationId = p.uidPartyId

    Left Join dtlParty p2 on jc.uidServiceProviderPersonId = p2.uidPartyId

    Inner Join dtlBarcode b with (nolock) on i.uidBarcodeId = b.uidId

    Left Join dtlItem it on jc.intItemId = it.intItemId

    Where i.dteIncidentDate between @dteFromDate and @dteToDate

    and it.bitIsAsset = Case @bitAsset When 1 Then (SELECT it.intItemId FROM dtlItem it WHERE it.intItemId IS NOT NULL) Else 'All' End

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