• BFSTEP (8/1/2013)

    I am in a time crunch, many things on my plate today, and I just can't seem to get this problem, thought I would toss it out to the forum, and someone would easily see the answer.

    My Table looks like this:

    AttribID FormatID

    -------- ---------

    12 34

    15 34

    19 34

    25 34

    12 49

    15 49

    27 49

    I want to basically query the table like this: Give me FormatID when AttribID=12 AND AttribID=15 AND NOT AttribID = 27, and I want to get back one answer:34

    I know it is a grouping issue, but I am not getting the exact syntax, and am running out of time. Can anyone see the obvious solution that I am missing :angry:



    1. The AttribID will never be 12 AND 15...so do you mean 12 OR 15?

    2. What about the row where Attrib is 12 and the answer would be 49...why exactly do you only want to have an answer of 34?