• Sorry, seems something not clear in this question, in the Question (select 4) what it means

    i am choosing 2 3 5 it say i am wrong

    if object_id('test2') is not null

    drop table test2

    if object_id('test1') is not null

    drop table test1

    create table test1 (a int not null primary key);

    create table test2 (b int,a int )


    --statement 1

    insert into test1

    output inserted.a

    select 1


    --statement 2

    create trigger trig_test1

    on test1 after insert


    select 2


    --statement 3

    insert into test1

    select 3


    --statement 4

    insert into test1

    output inserted.a

    select 4


    --statement 5

    declare @temp as table (b int)

    insert into test1

    output inserted.a

    into @temp

    select 5

    select * from @temp


    So what is statement 1

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