• syedshah (7/28/2013)


    I have created a trigger to audit changes to table rows from my web application. My web application is using a single db user to do updates to the database. However, many different users can log in to the website and do the updates and inserts. Therefore, the db user will always be same but web users will be different

    I want to have some way to capture the logged in user to the website who is making the changes to the rows so that I can audit the changes along with the web user that is making the changes.

    Can someone please guide me how can I capture the web session in my sql trigger so that I know who is making the changes. Can I configure the web.config file so that the session info is also passed on to the sql server trigger or if there is some other way, please let me know



    Use any of a number of system functions...go to Programmability->Functions->System Functions. One of these is probably what you are looking for.

    SELECT Current_User

    SELECT App_Name()

    SELECT Host_Name()

    SELECT Session_User

    SELECT System_User