• ChrisM@Work (7/26/2013)

    IT researcher (7/26/2013)

    ChrisM@Work (7/23/2013)

    -- why cast [Phone no] AS VARCHAR(MAX)?

    -- why use CHARINDEX? You don't need the character position, you only need to know if

    -- one string exists inside the other.

    SELECT [customer].[Customer name],[customer].[Sl_No],[customer].[Id]

    FROM [company].dbo.[customer]

    WHERE ( Charindex('9000413237',CAST([company].dbo.[customer].[Phone no] AS VARCHAR(MAX)))>0 )

    -- use this instead

    SELECT c.[Customer name],c.[Sl_No],c.[Id]

    FROM [company].dbo.[customer] c

    WHERE c.[Phone no] LIKE '%9000413237%'

    -- then try this, which is SARGable (can use a suitable index)

    SELECT c.[Customer name],c.[Sl_No],c.[Id]

    FROM [company].dbo.[customer] c

    WHERE c.[Phone no] LIKE '9000413237%'

    You have mentioned that using LIKE '9000413237%' is SARGable .There are many articles stating 'abc%' will use index but '%abc%' not.But using LIKE '%9000413237%' also helped me a lot.

    Please see my thread regarding this here

    It's quicker (in this case) to scan the phone_no index than to scan the whole table, because the index only contains one (key) column. That's less data to scan through. The point about SARGability is not that an index will be used, but that the index will be used for seeks or range scans. If you look at the second plan on your ScatExchange post you see an index scan for LIKE '%...%'. Look at what happens if you take out the leading % sign.

    Yes if i use 'abc%' then it will be index seek as it requires searching for only part of index which make performance a lot better.But still using %abc% helped in my case.I was thinking like leading % will make index to not use.So many articles in internet make confusion regarding it.Also i found this wikipedia link about Sargable.(which states %abc% non-sargable).Thank you..