• Steven Willis (7/22/2013)

    --this date MAY or MAY NOT be valid depending on the DATEFORMAT setting

    SELECT ISDATE('29-12-2013')

    --this is never valid (out-of-range)

    SELECT ISDATE('32-12-2013')

    --this should always be valid in all formats

    SELECT ISDATE('2013-01-08 15:44:12.208')

    --this is a valid UMC date but ISDATE = 0

    SELECT ISDATE('2013-01-08 15:44:12.2081606 +05:30')

    DECLARE @testdate VARCHAR(20)

    SET @testdate = '29-12-2013' -- this is valid in DMY format

    SET @testdate = '32-12-2013' -- this is never valid (out-of-range)

    SET @testdate = '2013-01-08 15:44:12.208' -- this is valid

    SET @testdate = '2013-01-08 15:44:12.2081606 +05:30' -- this is valid UMC date

    --for these testdates using the script below,

    --#1 is ambiguous, #2 is correct, #3 & #4 are INCORRECT



    ,IsDateValid = CASE WHEN @testdate IS NULL THEN 0

    WHEN @testdate NOT LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]' THEN 0

    WHEN ISDATE(REPLACE(@testdate,'-','')) <> 1 THEN 0

    ELSE 1


    --this procedure returns the proper results

    EXEC dbo.IsValidDate '29-12-2013','DMY'

    EXEC dbo.IsValidDate '32-12-2013'

    EXEC dbo.IsValidDate '2013-01-08 15:44:12.208'

    EXEC dbo.IsValidDate '2013-01-08 15:44:12.2081606 +05:30'

    The OP stated that the total date should be in format YYYY-MM-DD, so the test I gave them looks for exactly that, and is insensitive to the setting of DATEFORMAT.

    From OP:

    "Year should be in yyyy format ,month should be between 1 and 1 to 12 and date should be between 1 to 31 and total date should be YYYY-MM-DD Formate?"