• octavuslimited (7/19/2013)

    I have seen various posts showing interest in being able to perform simple queries and execute storedprocs on MSSQL using a web browser. I had a similar interest so I developed a web app to do it. The beta is here: http://esqlclient.azurewebsites.net

    I'd be interested to know whether people think this is useful and what issues (licensing, security, traffic etc.) there might be. I only tested it on MSSQL 2012 but it may work for earlier versions that are exposed to the internet. It also works for Azure SQL.

    The beta will be taken down in a few days so feel free to use it until then and let me know what you think. It should be fairly obvious how to connect but let me know if not. Once connected, you can perform T-SQL and execute SPs according to the permissions set by your DBA.

    I think this is an awesome project! If you wouldn't mind, could you give me the username and password to that web server so I can check out your source code? Thanks in advance!