• hakan.winther (7/22/2013)

    kapil_kk (7/22/2013)

    PRR.DB (7/22/2013)

    If table doesn't have clustered index , there is no guarantee for order , if table having clustered index then result will display clustered index column order.

    Is my answer correct or not? Can any one explain on it?

    --Example query.......

    USE tempdb


    create table Orderby(ID int)


    insert into Orderby

    select 1

    union all

    select 2

    union all

    select 5

    union all

    select 4

    union all

    select 3

    union all

    select 7

    union all

    select 6


    select * from Orderby


    CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [ClusteredIndex_Order1_ID] ON [dbo].[Orderby]


    [ID] ASC



    select * FROM Orderby


    DROP TABLE Orderby


    Yes, if a table has clustered index then it will cause reordering of the physical order of the data...

    For more information you can refer an article posted today:


    There are no guarantees that the clustered index order is used. If there are any nonclustered index or someone later adds a non clustered index, the order of the nonclusrered index may be used instead. If you can't add a nonclustered index because a lazy developer assumes the data is returned in the clustered index order, then you can't optimize the database without breaking the application.

    Yes you are right but user PRR asked a scenario only for clustered index and if a clustered index is used then it will reorder of the data in physical order...

    To get quick answer follow this link: