• GilaMonster (7/17/2013)

    Sean Lange (7/17/2013)

    The next issue is top(1000). You have no order by so there is no way to know which 1000 it will delete.

    You can't put an Order By on a delete.

    DELETE TOP (100) FROM SomeTable


    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 4

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'ORDER'.

    You can put an order by into a CTE (the select) and delete from the CTE, you can put a select with order by and use IN, but you can't put an order by onto a delete directly

    I know you can't do it directly but the point is valid. Issuing a delete top(x) with no way to order them makes no sense, unless of course the delete is intended to be inside a batching delete process where the order doesn't matter as long as they all get deleted.


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