• Okay Sean:

    Here is table 1 - 'overtime budget 2013'

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Overtime Budget 2013](

    [Org Level] [nvarchar](50) NULL,

    [Overtime Code] [nchar](10) NULL,

    [January] [money] NULL,

    [February] [money] NULL,

    [March] [money] NULL,

    [April] [money] NULL,

    [May] [money] NULL,

    [June] [money] NULL,

    [July] [money] NULL,

    [August] [money] NULL,

    [September] [money] NULL,

    [October] [money] NULL,

    [Novemeber] [money] NULL,

    [December] [money] NULL,

    [Total] [money] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    Here's some sample date for the above table:

    INSERT Into [Overtime Budget 2013]

    SELECT 'WSIDOE','5204 ','1579588.23','1578296.23','1964371.53'

    SELECT 'WSIOTH','5204 ','10979.65','11212.00','15404.53'

    SELECT 'WSIWMA','5204 ','121070.56','121070.05','149569.32'

    SELECT 'WSIUNY','5204 ','1287.29','1287.68','1609.60'

    SELECT 'WSIZHR','5204 ','553.85','553.85','692.31'

    SELECT 'WSIZSS','5204 ','96.15','96.15','120.19'

    The second table is actually a query that looks like this:

    /* Summary Overtime by Employee */


    cast(left(pehPErcontrol,8) as datetime) AS [Period Control Date],

    --ltrim(cmpCompanyName) AS [Company Name],

    rtrim(eepNameLast) +

    --isnull(' '+rtrim(CodDesc), '') +

    ', ' + rtrim(eepNameFirst) +

    ' ' + coalesce(substring(eepNameMiddle,1,1) + '.', '') as Name,

    eepNameLast AS [Last Name],

    IsNull(eepNameSuffix,'') AS [Suffix],

    eepNameFirst AS [First Name],

    IsNull(eepNameMiddle,'') AS [Middle Name],


    --pehBatchID AS [Batch ID],

    pehCurAmt AS [Current Amount],

    pehCurHrs AS [Current Hours],

    pehCoID AS [Company ID],

    pehEEID AS [EE ID],

    pehEmpNo AS [Emp No],

    pehLocation AS [Location],

    pehJobCode AS [Job Code],

    pehOrgLvl1 AS [Org Level 1],

    pehOrgLvl2 AS [Org Level 2],

    pehOrgLvl3 AS [Org Level 3],

    pehOrgLvl4 AS [Org Level 4],

    pehPayGroup AS [Pay Group],

    pehProject AS [Project],

    pehShfShiftAmt AS [Shift Amount],

    pehearncode AS [Earn Code],


    [overtime code] as [Overtime Code],

    [Org Level] as [Org Level],

    [January] as [January]

    FROM EmpPers JOIN pearhist

    ON pehEEID = eepEEID


    where pehearncode = '0002'

    AND pehPerControl > '201301011'

    --AND pehPerControl > '201301011'

    --AND pehOrgLvl2 like '%SRS'

    AND pehOrgLvl2 like '%ZSW'

    You can see where I'm joining by org level but need to add the months/date to complete.