• You can do something like what I did below. I'm not 100% clear about what you are trying to do but this should help....

    You would have an agent job run frequently (say, every minute) and populate a login table. Then you would create a view against the table that collects the login info (I'm using a temp table called #loginInfo in my example). You could use that view for whatever metrics you are looking for.

    -- (1) Create a job that collects login info like so (this would need to run frequently)

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#loginInfo') IS NULL

    CREATE TABLE #loginInfo

    (event_id int identity primary key,

    DBName varchar(100) not null,

    LoginName varchar(100) not null,

    LoginTime smalldatetime);

    -- (2) variable or parameter for the db you want to track

    DECLARE @myDB varchar(100)='ajbTest'

    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #loginInfo)--If the table is empty

    INSERT INTO #loginInfo (DBName, LoginName, LoginTime)

    SELECTDB_NAME(dbid) AS DBName,

    loginame AS LoginName,

    CAST(login_time AS smalldatetime) AS LoginTime

    FROM sys.sysprocesses

    WHERE DB_NAME(dbid)=@myDB

    GROUP BY dbid, loginame, CAST(login_time AS smalldatetime)

    ELSE --if the table is not empty

    INSERT INTO #loginInfo (DBName, LoginName, LoginTime)

    SELECTDB_NAME(dbid) AS DBName,

    loginame AS LoginName,

    CAST(login_time AS smalldatetime) AS LoginTime

    FROM sys.sysprocesses

    WHERE DB_NAME(dbid)=@myDB

    GROUP BY dbid, loginame, CAST(login_time AS smalldatetime)





    FROM #loginInfo;


    --Captured data (included for review)

    SELECT * FROM #loginInfo

    -- (3) Create a view that tracks connections between 9AM and 5PM

    SELECT DBName, LoginName, COUNT(DBName) AS TotalConnections

    FROM #loginInfo

    WHERE DATEPART(HOUR, loginTime)>=9 AND DATEPART(HOUR, loginTime)<=17

    GROUP BY DBName, LoginName

    Again, this is not perfect but my get you in the right direction.

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001