• jjr.123 (7/11/2013)

    hi ,

    I have a master package which calls the child packages from a folder dynamically, when i tried this with execute package task inside a for each loop container , it is only looping the child package which is connected in the execute package task connection.

    Could any please suggest me a way to achieve this task. I want the parent package to read the 1st child package , start and read next package, start and ....read last package, start.

    Thanks in advance

    Kind of a kludge, but can be done by:

    1. Have Int32 var increment by 1 each time through FeLC.

    2. Have extra String var to store "last pkg name" so you have access to last pkg and current pkg

    3. Have dummy Script Task in place to allow for Precedence Constraint, with two connections to Execute Package Tasks and a constraint that only proceeds when the Int32 variable is divisible by 2.

    One of the Execute Package Tasks will run the var "last pkg name" and the other will run the loop's current pkg.

    You'll need some logic to process the last pkg in case there were an odd number picked up by the loop, but that's the gist of it. Also know that both pkgs need to complete before the loop continues. Using two loops aide by side that iterate over the same folder and process a mutually exclusive set of pkgs is also an approach that could work.

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