• Actually, I just realized that the URL stuff is old, and working for only SSRS 2005. Here is a new version that includes direct URL links in the SSRS 2008R2 format.

    I also added some case statements that translates some of the scheduling numbers into day/month names.

    Glad this worked for you, happy I could help!

    use ReportServer


    ; WITH ReportEmailsInfo AS



    S.[SubscriptionID], CONVERT(XML, N'<Root>' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), S.[ExtensionSettings]) + N'</Root>') AS X


    ReportServer.dbo.[Subscriptions] AS S WITH (NOLOCK)


    -- S.[DeliveryExtension] = 'Report Server Email' --only get e-mail subscriptions, not other delivery types


    , CTE_DataMinusURLs AS




    , S.Description AS SubscriptionName

    , CASE WHEN S.DataSettings IS NULL

    THEN 'False'

    ELSE 'True' END AS DataDriven

    , S.DataSettings AS DataDrivenReportSettings

    , RS.ReportID

    , C.Name AS [ReportName]

    , S.LastStatus

    --, C.SubType

    , CL.NAME AS LinkedParentName

    , S.DeliveryExtension

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="Subject"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_Subject'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="TO"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_TO'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="CC"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_CC'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="BCC"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_BCC'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="ReplyTo"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_ReplyTo'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="IncludeReport"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_IncludeReport'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="IncludeLink"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_IncludeLink'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="Priority"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_Priority'

    , ReI.X.value('(/Root/ParameterValues/ParameterValue[Name="Comment"]/Value)[1]', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS 'Email_Comment'

    , C.Path AS [ReportPath]

    , U1.UserName AS [ReportOwner]

    , U3.UserName AS [SubCreatedBy]

    , U2.UserName AS [SubModifiedBy]

    --, S.LastRunTime

    -- , SC.ScheduleID

    , case when sc.eventtype <>'SharedSchedule' then 'Report-specific' else sc.Name end as Schedule_Name

    , SC.StartDate as Schedule_StartDate

    , SC.NextRunTime as Schedule_NextRunTime

    , SC.LastRunTime AS Schedule_LastRunTime

    --, SC.LastRunStatus AS Schedule_LastRunStatus

    , SC.EndDate as Schedule_EndDate

    , CASE

    when SC.recurrencetype = 1 then 'One-off'

    when SC.recurrencetype = 2 then 'Hourly'

    when SC.recurrencetype = 4 then 'Daily'

    when SC.recurrencetype = 5 then 'Monthly'

    when SC.recurrencetype = 6 then 'Month-Week' END AS Schedule_RecurrenceType

    , SC.MinutesInterval

    , SC.DaysInterval

    , SC.WeeksInterval

    , CASE

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 1 THEN 'Sun'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 2 THEN 'Mon'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 4 THEN 'Tue'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 8 THEN 'Wed'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 16 THEN 'Thu'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 32 THEN 'Fri'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 64 THEN 'Sat'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 62 THEN 'Mon-Fri'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 10 THEN 'Mon AND Wed'

    WHEN SC.DaysOfWeek = 127 THEN 'All Days'

    END AS DaysOfWeek

    , case when SC.DaysOfMonth = 1 then '1'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 2 then '2'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 4 then '3'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 8 then '4'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 16 then '5'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 32 then '6'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 64 then '7'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 128 then '8'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 256 then '9'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 512 then '10'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 1024 then '11'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 2048 then '12'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 4096 then '13'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 8192 then '14'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 16384 then '15'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 32768 then '16'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 65536 then '17'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 131072 then '18'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 262144 then '19'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 524288 then '20'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 1048576 then '21'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 2097152 then '22'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 4194304 then '23'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 8388608 then '24'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 16777216 then '25'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 33554432 then '26'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 67108864 then '27'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 134217728 then '28'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 268435456 then '29'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 536870912 then '30'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 1073741824 then '31'

    when SC.DaysOfMonth = 8193 then '1st and 14th day'

    end as DaysOfMonth

    , case

    when SC.Month = 4095 then 'Every Month'

    when SC.Month = 585 then 'Jan,April,July,October (Quarterly)'

    when SC.Month = 1 then 'Jan'

    when SC.Month = 2 then 'Feb'

    when SC.Month = 4 then 'Mar'

    when SC.Month = 8 then 'Apr'

    when SC.Month = 16 then 'May'

    when SC.Month = 32 then 'Jun'

    when SC.Month = 64 then 'Jul'

    when SC.Month = 128 then 'Aug'

    when SC.Month = 256 then 'Sep'

    when SC.Month = 512 then 'Oct'

    when SC.Month = 1024 then 'Nov'

    when SC.Month = 2048 then 'Dec' end as Month

    , SC.MonthlyWeek

    , SC.State

    , SC.EventType

    --, S.MatchData

    -- , CL.ItemID AS [ParentID]

    -- this is the OLD form for SSRS 2005

    -- , [URLDirect] = 'http://reports.tcsedsystem.edu/reports/pages/subscriptionproperties.aspx?itempath=' + C.[Path] + '&IsDataDriven=False&SubscriptionID=' + CAST(S.[SubscriptionID] AS VARCHAR(80)) -- URL direct to the subscription

    -- , [URLSubTab] = 'http://reports.tcsedsystem.edu/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=' + C.[Path] + '&SelectedTabId=SubscriptionsTab' -- URL to the "Subscriptions" tab on the report (which can be used to delete the subscription)


    ReportEmailsInfo AS ReI

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Subscriptions] AS S ON REI.SubscriptionID=S.SubscriptionID --actual subscriptions

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Catalog] AS C ON S.[Report_OID] = C.[ItemID]

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[ReportSchedule] AS RS ON S.[SubscriptionID] = RS.[SubscriptionID] --Subscription Schedules

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Schedule] AS SC ON RS.[ScheduleID] = SC.[ScheduleID] --Schedules

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.Catalog AS CL ON C.LinkSourceID = CL.ItemID

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Users] AS [U1] ON S.[OwnerID] = [U1].[UserID] -- Subscription Owner

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Users] AS [U2] ON S.[ModifiedByID] = [U2].[UserID] -- Subscription ModifiedBy

    JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[Users] AS [U3] ON SC.[CreatedByID] = [U3].[UserID] -- Subscription CreatedBy

    --LEFT OUTER JOIN ReportServer.dbo.[ReportSchedule] AS RS2 ON RS2.ReportID = C.LinkSourceID AND C.LinkSourceID IS NOT NULL



    -- new URL link form for SSRS 2008R2

    , [URLDirect] =

    CASE WHEN DMU.DataDriven = 'False'


    'http://chi-crmsql01/reports/pages/subscriptionproperties.aspx?itempath=' + DMU.[ReportPath] + '&IsDataDriven='+ DMU.DataDriven + '&SubscriptionID=' + CAST(DMU.[SubscriptionID] AS VARCHAR(80)) -- URL direct to the subscription


    'http://chi-crmsql01/reports/pages/subscriptionproperties.aspx?itempath=' + DMU.[ReportPath] + '&IsDataDriven='+ DMU.DataDriven + '&SubscriptionID=' + CAST(DMU.[SubscriptionID] AS VARCHAR(80)) +

    '&RedirectUrl=' + 'http://chi-crmsql01/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=' + DMU.[ReportPath] + '&SelectedTabId=PropertiesTab&SelectedSubTabId=SubscriptionsTab' -- URL direct to the subscription


    , [URLSubTab] = 'http://chi-crmsql01/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=' + DMU.[ReportPath] + '&SelectedTabId=PropertiesTab&SelectedSubTabId=SubscriptionsTab' -- URL to the "Subscriptions" tab on the report (which can be used to delete the subscription)


    ORDER BY LinkedParentName, ReportName